Salade de chou croustillant garnie d’une vinaigrette

Crispy cabbage salad topped with a dressing

Cabbage salad with a crunchy texture and a tangy dressing How is life treating you right now? Something that is crisp, bright, and crunchy sounds like something you could want to make. Gather your favorite veggies—cucumbers, carrots, and cabbage—and toss them with a sweet and tangy dressing for a very simple salad. The honey and mustard bring out the best in the flavor, and the garlic adds just the right amount of heat. For extra kick, we’ve tossed in some crispy walnuts with the other ingredients. When you want something tasty, refreshing, and healthy, this salad is a fantastic pick. Get a bowl ready, because we’re about to make something delicious.

Recette d’une salade de chou croquant avec une vinaigrette acidulée

Hachez finement un seul énorme concombre
râpé 1/3 d’une tête entière de chou vert
en hachant un tiers d’un chou rouge entier

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